Pacific Lutheran

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Total : $ 9.99

Name Badge Details:

Full color plastic name tags for Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary employees.  Personalize each badge with your first and last names on one line, as well as your title on up to two lines, department, and preferred pronouns (optional) underneath.  Each badge will come with a magnetic fastener on the back.

Shipping Details:

Standard turnaround time is 1-2 business days (not including weekends or holidays), plus transit time in the mail.

Please note:  If you select that you'd like LoneStar to design your badges for you, we will email you a design proof to review and approve once we receive your order.  You should typically receive your proof within one business day.  Your order will be placed on hold until we receive your approval and notice to proceed with production.  The production turnaround time will not begin until you have approved your proof.